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Well this site is here to help. Lised on this site are companies and the questions that people experienced in their interviews.
Public Sector
Auditor – Wolverhampton city council
Sales Consultant at Harvey Nicoles
Notes on the interview – One on one interview with the floor manager and then a walk round the shop discussing brands and what I liked about them and how you may go about selling them. Setting up scenarios of trying to sell to different customers.
How would you deal with a difficult customer?
What is important about customer service?
Tell us about a time you have gone above and beyond to provide good cstomer service?
What would you do if you thought an item didn’t look good on a customer? Would you still sell it to them?
Important to stress, link sales for any retail job. i.e selling a belt to go with a pair of trousers. They love it if you talk about that!
Banking and Finance
Auditor – public sector
Position – Senior Auditor (Wolverhampton City Council)
Date of Interview – 12th April 2005
Round – 1 of 1
Notes on the interview – Talking about recent developments in the audit field. How do you feel these have effected public sector auditing?
Economics Consultant – Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR)
Position – Economics Consultant (Centre for Economics and Business Research)
Date of Interview – 30th July 2005
Round – 1 of 2
Notes on the interview – Quite an informal interview with the Managing Director and another senior economist. Three main questions.
Trainee Econometrician – Medicom
Date of Interview – June 2005
Interview Round – only one
General Setup of Interview – Two interviewers – 2 hour interview – Fairly informal chat.
Financial Consultant – Perfect Days
Position – Financial Consultant
Date of Interview – 9th August 2005
Round – 1 of 4
Notes on the interview – The first interview was a telephone interview. The guy on the other end of the phone was very enthusiatic. He asked lots of questions concerning what I wanted from life, whether I was money or success led and what were my main motivations for the position. Very unstructured interview which allows both parties to get a feel for eachother.
Graduate – KPMG
Position – Graduate
Date of Interview – 2nd February 2003
Round – 1 of 2
Notes on the interview – Having taken and passed the online maths test there was an interview with a senior member of staff. Note that the final round interview is with a partner. The interview was a mixture of questions about your knowledge and about yourself.
Graduate – KPMG
Position – Graduate Government Advisory
Date of Interview – 27th October 2005
Notes on the interview – Having taken and passed the online maths test there was an interview with a senior member of staff. Note that the final round interview is with a partner and an assessment day. The interview was a mixture of questions about your knowledge and about yourself.
It began with talking about the public sector. What were the main issues with the public sector, i.e. things like maximising efficiency, the fact they have a different role to play when compared to the private sector as they have to worry about equity as well as efficiency and all the other things that can be easily found with a quick web search.
The second section was the usual interview questions. Give me an example of when you’ve worked in a team. Tell me about a time you’ve overcome a problem. When have you worked under pressure. Very standard.
They also asked what problems KPMG were facing at the moment. I mentioned things like the fact they had been fined in America for breach of audit regulations. Concerning the advisory department I said that KPMG faced issues with the fact that advisory and audit sections working on similar projects could create a conflict of interests.
Civil Service
Government Economics Service
Position – Temporary Assistant Economist (graduate position)
Date of Interview – 13th July 2005
Notes on the interview – The interview was in Whitehall infront of a panel of three. The panel had two senior economists and one person from the personel department. Before the interview a list of eight questions were sent by email to be prepared (these are below). In the interview each economist asked from the list of questions and went further into each, finding out how deep your knowledge was. There were no trick questions, but a great level of depth was needed. The non-economist asked questions to find out about team work, i.e previous experiences and how you dealt with them. She also asked for a couple of economics terms to be explained in laymans terms.
Information Technology
Web Designer – Farmsure
Position – Website Designer (3 month project)
Date of Interview – 13th June 2003
Notes on the interview – This was part of the STEP program which is run by the government’s Business Link program. The interview was with the Managing Director and quite formal. He asked questions relating to my experience with webdesign, and asked to see some examples. Then he asked what my plans would be for the website and what I thought were the most important aspects of a site. Easy interview with none of those questions like “Why should we employ you”, or “What are you biggest weaknesses”.
Business Administration
Temporary Office Work
Date of Interview – 4th October 2005
Notes on the interview – Not really an interview as such. The purpose of the exercise was to find out what skill you have. It started with an application form where you list your grades, experiences and range of skills.
Next I did four computer tests. The first measured my speed and accuracy when typing in information about addresses and names onto a standardised form. Next the test measured the same thing but just for the inputting of numbers. The next test measured how good my audio typing was. Finally I had a spelling test – I believe that there are varying levels to this. I took the intermediate level and this included words such as Edinburgh.
Finall I had a chat with one of the recruitment consultants to see what sort of work I wanted, the hours I wished to work and just the clarification of details.
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